The Boerner administration seeks a comprehensive strategy to address factors contributing to illegal immigration by:
- Strategic Investments in Technology & Infrastructure
- Enhanced Cooperation with Neighboring Countries
- Increasing Budget and Staffing for Border Patrol
- National Guard to Develop a Refugee Strategy
- Migration Processing Centers & Temporary Housing Solutions
- More Jobs Aimed at Utilizing Migrant Skills-Sets
- Streamlining Visa Processes & Legal Pathways
This comprehensive strategy will help curb the overwhelming number of illegal crossings each year, while reducing the amount of narcotics, such as fentanyl, that enter our country.
Strategic Investments in Technology & Infrastructure
Advanced Surveillance Systems
Funding will be allocated toward procuring innovative technologies such as drones equipped with high-resolution cameras capable of detecting movements day/night, and underground sensors designed for deterring illicit activities like drug trafficking and human smuggling.

Improvements in Physical Barriers
While physical walls may not adequately deter determined individuals entering illegally along our Southern and Northern boundaries; cost-effective alternatives such as smart fences, motion detectors, and infrared cameras can be strategically placed at high-risk areas to effectively monitor border activity, and provide real-time data for law enforcement agencies.
Enhanced Cooperation with Neighboring Countries
Strengthening Trade Relations
Fostering partnerships with Mexico, South American countries, Central American countries, and African nations through fair trade agreements will promote economic stability in these regions while maintaining a healthy trade surplus for the US economy. This will help reduce the push factors that drive people to migrate to the United States illegally. Trade agreements that create economic opportunity and stability in our neighboring countries are critical to solving the core issue with migration incentives.
Addressing Humanitarian Needs
Providing assistance to neighboring countries in areas such as food security and disaster response demonstrates goodwill from the United States, and further cultivates mutual cooperation on addressing migration challenges together. Targeted assistance programs focused on education, health care, and infrastructure can improve living conditions, and create a more favorable environment for residents impacted by economic and social challenges.
Improve Law Enforcement Collaboration
Enhancing law enforcement cooperation is essential in dismantling transnational criminal organizations that exploit vulnerable migrants or traffic drugs across borders. The U.S. should work closely with its neighbors by sharing intelligence, coordinating joint operations, providing training, and equipment resources where needed.

Increasing Budget and Staffing for Border Patrol
The Boerner administration plans to allocate additional funding towards hiring more Border Patrol agents as well as improving training facilities and equipment. A stronger border security presence will serve as an effective deterrent to illegal activities while ensuring that agents are better prepared to handle various challenges they may encounter.
This comprehensive plan places the Border Patrol in a position to be proactive and solution oriented within the migrant inflow versus reactive and scrambling to an unending crisis.
National Guard to Develop Refugee Strategy
Collaborating with State National Guards allows us to strategically position resources across different regions along our borders according to specific threats or migration patterns being observed at any given time period. Developing a comprehensive national refugee strategy enables states uniquely affected by asylum-seeking arrivals to avail justly allocated funds, facilities, and resources.
The Boerner administration will seek to divert Department of Defense war games funds to border states, and create a refugee containment & facilitation war game program. This in turn will help train the National Guard for real-world containment & facilitation of refugees crossing the borders.
Migration Processing Centers & Temporary Housing Solutions
Establish Immigration Processing Hubs (IPHs)
The Boerner Administration proposes deploying fixed Immigration Processing Hubs (IPHs) close to high-traffic entry points. These would initially be built by the State National Guard. This would facilitate transporting and processing asylum seekers/immigrants through legal channels. A port authority will be set up in these designated areas.

All illegal border crossings will be processed and transported to temporary housing facilities until their status can be verified. Those who do not meet asylum requirements, will be sent back to their point of origin.
Temporary Housing Facilities
As part of a war game training exercise, the Boerner administration will direct the DOD and the National Guard to develop refugee camps; which in turn will be utilized by the Border Patrol, and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. This will temporarily house illegal migrants that cross over our border.
As a transitional solution for waiting migrants, the U.S. will provide basic shelter and necessities under humane conditions until they can be relocated back to their point of origin, or integrated into the communities as asylum seekers.
More Jobs Aimed at Utilizing Migrant Skills-Sets
Migrants who meet Federal job needs in infrastructure projects and service industries could offer skill sets the nation requires. Focusing on asylum seekers that meet the nation’s job requirements will help lower unemployment rates in key sectors. This will help build a stronger national economy, reducing the price of goods, driving inflation down.
Streamlining Visa Processes & Legal Pathways
The Boerner Administration intends to modernize visa application procedures, reduce bureaucratic delays, and expedite case reviews. This will ensure quicker processing times for prospective immigrants/workers/families seeking entry through legal means.

By offering accelerated processes to suitable applicants (e.g., skilled workers, long-term residents with strong community ties), we not only encourage law-abiding immigration practices, but also demonstrate America’s commitment as a nation that welcomes diverse talents globally.
The importance of securing our borders cannot be overstressed; yet the way the United States government deals with illegal border crossings needs to change. We’ve seen too many kids in cages throughout too many Administrations in the White House. The Boerner administration remains committed to safeguarding American citizens’ safety while acknowledging the legitimate humanitarian concerns surrounding border management.
The Boerner Administration will employ this comprehensive strategy of concerted efforts to address immediate national security concerns, and also the underlying reasons causing illegal cross-border movements.
Through a comprehensive approach to border management, the unparalleled flow of illegal border crossings can come to an end. No more kicking the can down the road.
About Eric Jon Boerner for President:
Boerner seeks the 2024 presidential nomination with a problem-solving perspective based on his vast experience in federal government and innovative tech fields. To learn more about his campaign and vision for America, visit EricBoerner.com.
For more information or to request an interview, please contact:
Jay Fratt Campaign Director Email: Jay@EricBoerner.com Phone: (360) 936-7478