Why I’m Running
“I am running for President to represent “We The People” and restore integrity in American politics. With 33 years of Federal leadership experience, I will fight waste and corruption in our government. Together, we can reclaim our nation’s greatness for future generations by upholding the principles laid down by our forefathers.”

Eric Jon Boerner honors his oath of service. A USAF veteran, and constitutional patriot with an unwavering commitment to the timeless values of our Republic. He served in the USAF during Desert Storm and Operation Provide Comfort. Boerner’s experience extends beyond military service, with leadership roles in the Department of Defense and Commerce. His involvement in numerous Government councils and technical committees for Federal projects showcases his expertise in navigating complex issues, investigating corruption, and innovating efficiencies.
Now determined to take his fight to the White House, Boerner aims to address pressing concerns facing America today. Recognizing that our Constitutional rights are under attack, he pledges to be a strong advocate for truth and justice. As President, Eric Jon Boerner will focus on securing our borders, our energy, and our nation, while bringing fiscal responsibility back to Washington DC.